Our Services

Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance” – Martin Luther King Jr

1. Online Free course

Learn about building healthy relationships by going through the free online course. To discuss any of the course sessions with another Twapata member Login.

3. Private Consultations

Whether you are a verified member or not you can get a private consultation with one of our mentors either online or in person. To book an appointment contact us.

2. Head Meets Heart Course

To amplify your knowledge about relationships we recommend our partner’s discounted online course which makes you a Twapata verified member. To get the discounted course fees, contact us.

4. Networking Mingle Events

Verified members are invited to our networking and mingle events in Nairobi, Kenya. Mingle events for special groups can be organized on request. To know more about these events contact us.

The Office : Suite 1101, Applewood Adams, Ngong Road, Nairobi, Kenya

Phone number : +254792770727